FLETA Executive Director Joe Collins recognized Amber George for her service to the Federal Law Enforcement Training Accreditation Board and community on December 12, 2019. Mr. Collins presented Ms. George with the FLETA coin during her recent visit to the Office of Accreditation in Glynco, GA. Ms. George recently assisted with the comprehensive review of the FLETA Procedures and Standards Manual, which included a full copyedit of the Manual in preparation for review by the FLETA Board. Ms. George has been an active member of the FLETA community since 2012 and has served as an assessor, team leader, self-assessor, accreditation manager, and member of the Federal Law Enforcement Accreditation Coalition. Ms. George currently serves as the Accreditation Manager (AM) for the Federal Bureau of Investigation Laboratory Division Hazardous Response Team. The FLETA Board and Office of Accreditation appreciate Ms. George's continued support, dedication, and expertise.