Mr. Lombard currently serves as the Deputy Assistant Administrator (DAA) for NASA Protective Services. In this role, he is the principle advisor to the Assistant Administrator (AA) for Protective Services and develops, implements, and directs NASA’s police, security, Fire/EMS and emergency response programs across the Agency. As the DAA, Mr. Lombard also oversees the development of budgetary and human capital management projections, short range and strategic planning. Functional responsibilities include leadership, management and direction for all Protective Services disciplines as they apply to the protection of personnel, information, and property. He also provides leadership and oversight to the NASA Protective Services Training Academy.
Before being selected as the DAA for Protective Services, Mr. Lombard was the Director of the Security Management Division where he provided policy and oversight of NASA’s personnel security, physical security, classified information security, emergency preparedness planning and response, and the protection of national security information.
Prior to his positions at NASA Headquarters, Mr. Lombard served as the Emergency Manager at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC).
Preceding his civil service career, Mr. Lombard served as a Senior Vice President for a protective services contractor serving as the single point of contact for training, recruiting, quality control, and proposal development for several Agencies and multiple contracts consisting of approximately 700 employees throughout the Country.
Prior to relocating to the D.C. area, Mr. Lombard was the Program Manager for the NASA Protective Services Training Academy at Kennedy Space Center and was responsible for developing and executing training programs for all armed security police officers Agency-wide.
A native of Latrobe, Pennsylvania, Mr. Lombard is a U.S. Air Force veteran and a graduate from Barry University of Miami, Florida.