Patrick Ruettiger is the Deputy Director of Operations at the VA LETC. Prior to this assignment he held positions as Academic Programs Division Chief, Legal Training Specialist, Training Support Division Chief, Accreditation Manager, and Firearms Instructor/ Program Manager.
Mr. Ruettiger served with the U.S. Air Force Security Forces from January 1994 to November 2002.
After separating from the Air Force, Mr. Ruettiger worked as a Contract Fraud Analyst for the U.S. Postal Inspection Service and was an adjunct professor of Criminal Justice at John A. Logan Community College in Illinois. In 2005 Mr. Ruettiger began his VA Police career as a Deputy Chief at the Marion, Illinois VA Medical Center.
In 2008 Mr. Ruettiger joined the VA LETC team and the following year was named the Office of Security and Law Enforcement Special Agent of the Year. He is a 2011 graduate of the VISN 16 Leadership Development Institute and a 2012 graduate of the University of Arkansas Criminal Justice Institute. In May of 2023, Mr. Ruettiger was one of 100 VA leaders selected to attend the annual Secretary of the VA Leadership Forum in Washington D.C.
Mr. Ruettiger holds an Associate Degree in Security Administration, a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice, and a Master’s Degree in Justice Policy. He also holds a Juris Doctor degree, is a licensed attorney, and has a law practice in Cabot, Arkansas.