The FLETA Board uses several reports to track and provide information that enables the President, Congress, and the public to assess the effectiveness of the Board's mission performance and stewardship of resources. These reports are published at the end of the fiscal year. For a copy of the most current reports, contact the FLETA Office of Accreditation at or (912) 261-3684.
The FLETA Activity Report provides a running total of initial applications, assessments, and the number of accreditation awards granted since the FLETA Board's establishment in 2002.
The FLETA Active Agency Totals Report is a summary of the active Academy and Program accreditation and reaccreditation applications for participating federal departments and agencies.
The FLETA Accredited Programs/Academies Report provides a status for all programs and academies seeking FLETA accreditation.
The FLETA Training Totals Report lists the training conducted by the OA in support of the FLETA process.