The FLETA Office of Accreditation offers several programs to fit your needs. Talk with your FLETA Program Manager today!
FLETA Fundamentals
FLETA Fundamentals provides agency/academy personnel, at all levels of the training process, foundational knowledge of the FLETA Standards and Procedures. Fundamentals is delivered at the agency’s location and can be tailored to meet agency and participant needs. FLETA Fundamentals is designed for any agency/academy personnel who directly or indirectly support the training for their respective agency.
Accreditation Manager Workshop
The Accreditation Manager Workshop (AMW) prepares agency/academy personnel, directly involved with accreditation, to perform the roles and responsibilities of accreditation manager or coordinator. Participants will learn to evaluate the FLETA Standards and Procedures against their agency/academy policies and directives. Instructors will outline the role of an accreditation manager or coordinator in guiding and assisting their agency through each step of the FLETA process.
Assessor Training Program
The Assessor Training Program (ATP) prepares participants to fulfill the duties and responsibilities of a FLETA assessor. Serving as a FLETA Assessor provides personnel with the opportunity to work and share best practices with their counterparts throughout federal law enforcement training. Applicants must work for a federal department/agency responsible for the enforcement of U.S. laws and regulations or the training of federal law enforcement personnel. All applicants must complete an Assessor Application Form with supervisory endorsement, and be willing to serve as a FLETA assessor at least once a year.
Team Leader Training Program
The Team Leader Training Program (TLTP) prepares FLETA assessors to fulfill the duties and responsibilities of a FLETA team leader through servant leadership. FLETA team leaders exemplify the values of the FLETA process: professionalism, competence, and excellence. Team leader nominees are selected from the current, active pool of qualified FLETA assessors.