The Federal Law Enforcement Training Accreditation (FLETA) Board ispleased to announce it granted initial accreditation status to theBureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ (ATF) IndustryOperations Investigator Basic Training (IOIBT) and Special Agent BasicTraining (SABT) programs at the April 25, 2013 meeting in Brunswick,Georgia.
The Industry Operations Investigator Basic Training (IOIBT) programprovides trainees with the necessary training to effectively conductinspections related to ATF’s regulated industries; and assist otherfederal, state, and local law enforcement offices. Training is providedon explosives and firearms identification, regulatory requirements,business entities, and procedures for obtaining permits and licenses tomanufacture or sell the regulated products. Practical exercisessimulate ATF inspections at licensed gun shops, explosives storagefacilities, fireworks manufacturers, and other venues common to IOIfield inspection responsibilities. The ATF National Academy isresponsible for the development and delivery of Industry OperationsInvestigator Basic Training (IOIBT) and has trained over 800 studentssince 1998.
The Special Agent Basic Training (SABT) program is the primaryvehicle for providing foundational training for key occupationalknowledge and skills specific to the enforcement of laws andregulations that are ATF’s responsibility. SABT is a demanding andintensive training program that covers a wide range of disciplinesincluding firearms and ammunition identification; firearms trafficking;report writing; interviewing techniques; alcohol/tobacco diversioninvestigations; explosives and fire/arson investigations; firearms andtactical training; close quarter countermeasures; field operations,undercover techniques; and physical conditioning. The SABT isapproximately 14 weeks in length and successful completion is mandatoryto maintain employment.
The FLETA Board is the accrediting body for all federal lawenforcement training and support programs. To achieve accreditation,agencies submit to an independent review of their academy and/orprogram to ensure compliance with the FLETA Standards and Procedures in the areas of: Program Administration, Training Staff, TrainingDevelopment, and Training Delivery, with an additional 20 standards forAcademies. Accreditation is a cyclical process occurring every threeyears. Each year, agencies must submit annual reports in preparationfor reaccreditation, which is a new and independent review of theacademy/program.