The Federal Law Enforcement Training Accreditation (FLETA) Board ispleased to announce it granted initial program accreditation status tothe Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Law Enforcement TrainingCenter’s (LETC) Instructor Development Course at the April 25, 2013meeting in Brunswick, Georgia.
The VA LETC’s Instructor Development Course provides appointed VAPolice Instructors with the knowledge and skills required to providespecialized quality training. The program includes training in bothagency law enforcement policies and procedures, and instructionalmethodologies. The Instructor Development Course is designed toprepare a cadre of highly skilled instructors capable of developing andpresenting effective training at their stations. In addition, thiscadre of instructors provides assistance to the VA LETC in conductingtraining in the Basic Police Officer Course and other specialtycourses.
The LETC provides training for approximately 2000 federal policeofficers annually. The LETC is located on the Central Arkansas VeteransHealthcare System’s (CAVHS) North Little Rock Campus. The sitewas chosen because of its central location and because it offered amedical center setting where VA police officers could study and learnin the same environment that they worked.
The FLETA Board is the accrediting body for all federal lawenforcement training and support programs. To achieve accreditation,agencies submit to an independent review of their academy and/orprogram to ensure compliance with the FLETA Standards and Procedures in the areas of: Program Administration, Training Staff, TrainingDevelopment, and Training Delivery, with an additional 20 standards forAcademies. Accreditation is a cyclical process occurring every threeyears. Each year, agencies must submit annual reports in preparationfor reaccreditation, which is a new and independent review of theacademy/program.