The Federal Law Enforcement Training Accreditation (FLETA)Board is pleased to announce the Federal Law Enforcement TrainingCenters (FLETC) as the first agency to receive the FLETA AgencyRecognition Award. FLETA Board Chairperson, Mr. Ronald Ward, presentedthe Agency Recognition Award to FLETC Director Connie Patrick at theApril 25, 2013 meeting of the FLETA Board of Directors.
“It is only fitting that the Federal Law Enforcement TrainingCenters is the first agency to receive this prestigious recognition,”explained Mr. Ward. “The FLETC was tasked by the Office of Managementand Budget to lead the development of an independent federal lawenforcement accrediting process and, once the FLETA Board wasestablished, the FLETC continued to support the process by providingresources, space, and countless assessors. The FLETA Board commends andthanks the FLETC and Director Patrick for the continued and invaluablesupport of the FLETA vision and mission.”
“It was OMB’s vision and they looked to FLETC to initially set FLETAup because FLETC is the agency that embodies all of you,” DirectorPatrick stated as she addressed the FLETA Board and more than onehundred attendees present. “The Federal Law Enforcement Training Centerhas continued to progress because of FLETA. I challenge you to continueto make that progress and to continue to push us even further than wedreamed that we could be. I think that there is a lot more that FLETAcan do. I think the international law enforcement community needs oursupport on accreditation efforts on how to develop an academy, developinstructors, and accredit the training once its been established.Congratulations to all of you and thank you for all your hard work thatyou do every day so that we can all flourish and be better trainers andbetter develop the next generation of trainers.”
Since the inception of FLETA, the FLETC’s sustained support of theFLETA Board and the FLETA Office of Accreditation has been a keyelement to the successful development and evolution of theaccreditation process for federal law enforcement training. In addition, the FLETC:
• was instrumental in organizing the initial law enforcementtraining accreditation community agency stakeholder meetings whichultimately led to the establishment of a Federal Law EnforcementTraining Accreditation Board of Directors;
• helped develop the initial FLETA Standards and Procedures and,as a valued member of the FLETA community, continues to provideinsights into the revision of the Standards;
• has been an active leader by seeking and achieving accreditationand subsequent reaccreditations for its own Academy and 12 programs;and,
• provided more assessors and team leaders to serve on FLETAassessments and self-assessments than any other agency, more than 330instances where a FLETC employee served in support of the FLETAprocess.
The FLETA Agency Recognition Award is the highest award given by theFLETA Board to those organizations that have a long-standing history ofoutstanding contributions to, and in superior support of, the FLETAmission and process. The evaluation criteria and selection process for the FLETA Agency Recognition Award are specifically intended toidentify agencies worthy of distinguished recognition. Agencycontributions must directly support and contribute to the overall FLETAmission, while demonstrating the highest standards associated with theadvancement of the federal law enforcement training mission
The FLETA Board is the accrediting body for all federal lawenforcement training and support programs. To achieve accreditation,agencies submit to an independent review of their academy and/orprogram to ensure compliance with the FLETA Standards and Procedures in the areas of Program Administration, Training Staff, TrainingDevelopment, and Training Delivery, with an additional 20 standards forAcademies. Accreditation is a cyclical process occurring every threeyears. Each year agencies must submit annual reports in preparation forreaccreditation, which is a new and independent review of theacademy/program.