The Federal Law Enforcement Training Accreditation (FLETA) Boardreviewed and awarded accreditation to nine programs and two academiesduring the biannual business meeting at the Federal Law EnforcementTraining Center in Brunswick, Georgia from October 29-31, 2013.
On Tuesday, the FLETA Board met in executive session to discuss theFLETA budget, review operational requirements, and discuss futurebusiness. In addition, the Board conducted committee meetings insupport of ongoing processes. The Standards Steering Committee outlinedthe schedule and workgroups in support of the five-year comprehensivereview of the FLETA Standards. The Distance Education Committeediscussed a structure for the development and implementation ofstandards and guidelines. The Awareness and Recognition Committee andReturn on Expectations Committee met to discuss identifying andcapturing the benefits of FLETA and methods for educating and informingstakeholders.
On Wednesday, the Board reviewed five programs for initialaccreditation, four programs for reaccreditation, and two academies forreaccreditation. Following the Board Review Committees, the FLETA Boardmet in executive session to discuss the reviews and make adetermination of accreditation.
On Thursday, the FLETA Board conducted a public meeting attended byover 100 members of the FLETA community. During the meeting, the FLETABoard finalized business, accepted the committee reports, and acceptedthe report from the Federal Law Enforcement Accreditation Coalition.The FLETA Board awarded the Team Leader Recognition Award to JasonWorchel with the Transportation Security Administration for hisprofessionalism, dedication, and support of the FLETA process. TheFLETA Board meeting concluded with the awarding of accreditation to theprograms and academies reviewed during the Board Review Committees:
Initial Accreditation
• Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Agriculture DetectorDog Handler Training Program – Airport Passenger Clearance
• Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Agriculture DetectorDog Handler Training Program – Border/Cargo
• Federal Air Marshal Service Firearms Instructor TrainingProgram
• U.S. Secret Service Explosive Detection Canine Course
• U.S. Secret Service ERT Tactical Canine Course
• Federal Bureau of Investigation New Agents TrainingProgram
• Federal Bureau of Investigation Training Academy
• Federal Air Marshal Service Federal Air Marshal Training ProgramII
• Federal Air Marshal Service Training Center
• Federal Reserve System Basic Law Enforcement Course
• U.S. Coast Guard Maritime Law Enforcement FacilitatorsCourse
The FLETA Board is the accrediting body for all federal lawenforcement training and support programs. To achieve accreditation,agencies submit to an independent review of their academy and/orprogram to ensure compliance with the FLETA Standards and Procedures in the areas of: Program Administration, Training Staff, TrainingDevelopment, and Training Delivery, with an additional 20 standards forAcademies. Accreditation is a cyclical process occurring every fiveyears. Each year, agencies must submit annual reports in preparationfor reaccreditation, which is a new and independent review of theacademy/program.