The Federal Law Enforcement Training Accreditation (FLETA) Board ispleased to announce it granted initial academy accreditation status tothe Department of Veterans Affairs Law Enforcement Training Center(LETC) and initial program accreditation status to the Department ofVeterans Affairs for the Air Force Basic Police Officer Course at theNovember 17, 2011 meeting in Annapolis Maryland.
Annually, the Department of Veterans Affairs LETC provides trainingfor approximately 2000 federal police officers from across thegovernment. One of the many programs the LETC provides is the Air ForceBasic Police Officer Course. It was designed to meet the needs of theAir Force Security Forces and their growing civilian policeforce. This course provides students with basic law enforcementtraining covering physical restraint and apprehension, patrol tacticsand procedures, military and civilian law, and Air Force specific lawenforcement activities.
Jose D. Riojas, Assistant Secretary for Operations, Security andPreparedness, Department of Veterans Affairs, accepted the certificateof accreditation. “I want to thank you for what I believe has been avery professionally run process, something very important to us,”stated Mr. Riojas. “We looked at this [FLETA] and saw its value. I knoweveryone in this room sees its value and we’re going to be much bettercollectively as a group of professionals.”
To achieve accreditation, agencies submit to an independent reviewof their academy and/or program to ensure compliance with the FLETAStandards and Procedures in the areas of: Program Administration,Training Staff, Training Development, and Training Delivery, with anadditional 20 standards for Academies. Accreditation is a cyclicalprocess occurring every three years. Each year, agencies must submitannual reports in preparation for reaccreditation, which is a new andindependent review of the academy/program.