The Federal Law Enforcement Training Accreditation (FLETA) Board ispleased to announce it granted initial accreditation status to theFederal Bureau of Investigation Instructor Development Course at theJuly 12, 2012 meeting in Glynco, Georgia. Owen Harris, AssistantDirector Training Division, accepted the accreditation certificate onbehalf of Director Mueller and the Training Division. Mr. Harristhanked the FLETA Board and the FBI staff for their hard work, “TheFLETA Standards serve as the foundation for our work at the Academy aswe continue to improve, plan, and move towards the future”.
The Instructor Development Course is an intense 40-hour programdesigned to introduce the student to the basic fundamentals ofinstruction. This course focuses on two predominant areas ofinstruction: presentation skills and lesson plan construction. Topicsinclude: instructional systems design, adult learning principles,perceptions, method of instruction, testing and evaluations,presentation skills, and lesson plan preparation. Students are requiredto complete four presentations and an original lesson plan withhomework assignments each evening to meet the requirements of thecourse.
To achieve accreditation, agencies submit to an independent reviewof their academy and/or program to ensure compliance with the FLETAStandards and Procedures in the areas of: Program Administration,Training Staff, Training Development, and Training Delivery, with anadditional 20 standards for Academies. Accreditation is a cyclicalprocess occurring every three years. Each year, agencies must submitannual reports in preparation for reaccreditation, which is a new andindependent review of the academy/program.