The Federal Law Enforcement TrainingAccreditation (FLETA) Board is pleased to announce it granted initialaccreditation status to the Customs and Border Protection Border PatrolAcademy Physical Instructor Training Program at the July 12, 2012meeting in Glynco, Georgia. On behalf of Chief Correa and the BorderPatrol Academy, Martin Cosio, Training Operations Supervisor for BasicPhysical Techniques Department, CBP Border Patrol Academy, accepted theaccreditation certificate. He thanked the accreditation team “for allthe work to get us to this point”.
The Physical Instructor Training Program is a two-week (80-hour)advanced U.S. Border Patrol program. The program is designed to providea cadre of instructors capable of delivering standardized physicaltechniques training to trainees at the academy. The program is designedto teach student instructors the principles, philosophies,methodologies, and techniques of teaching the physical techniquescurriculum. In addition, it introduces student instructors to thephysical skills and practical exercises required to be a successfulBorder Patrol Physical Techniques Instructor.
To achieve accreditation, agencies submit to an independent reviewof their academy and/or program to ensure compliance with the FLETAStandards and Procedures in the areas of: Program Administration,Training Staff, Training Development, and Training Delivery, with anadditional 20 standards for Academies. Accreditation is a cyclicalprocess occurring every three years. Each year, agencies must submitannual reports in preparation for reaccreditation, which is a new andindependent review of the academy/program.