FLETA Board Grants Reaccreditation to Two FLETC Programs
The Federal Law Enforcement Training Accreditation (FLETA) Board is pleased to announce it granted reaccreditation status to the Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers, Instructional Systems Design Training Program (ISDTP) and the Marine Law Enforcement Training Program (MLETP) at the April 15, 2021 meeting.
Accreditation is a status granted to a federal law enforcement training program and/or Academy that meets or exceeds stated criteria of educational quality and student achievement. Federal Law Enforcement Training Accreditation (FLETA) enhances public confidence in law enforcement integrity, professionalism, and accountability. Additionally, it provides assurance that an academy or program has submitted to a self-regulation process and demonstrates compliance with a set of standards established by the law enforcement community.
The purpose of the ISDTP is to provide training for instructors and other personnel who require knowledge of the ISD process. The ISDTP provides skills needed for course and program development and/or revision. The program incorporates various instructional methodologies to include lectures, discussions, and labs. The ISDTP is 4 instructional days and consists of 28 hours of instruction. The average number of students per iteration of the program is 15.
The purpose of the MLETP is to provide basic marine law enforcement training for officers/agents of those agencies and organizations involved in the specialized areas of marine regulation, protection, and law enforcement responsibilities. The major emphasis of this comprehensive training program is on the safe and proper operation of marine patrol vessels with specific training in law enforcement operations. The MLETP is 19 instructional days and consists of 181.5 hours of instruction. The training is designed for a maximum of 18 students.
The FLETA Board is the accrediting body for all federal law enforcement training and support programs. To achieve accreditation, agencies submit to an independent review of their academy and/or program(s) to ensure compliance with the FLETA standards and procedures in the areas of Academy/Program Administration, Training Staff, Training Development, and Training Delivery. Accreditation is a cyclical process occurring every five years. Each year leading up to a formal assessment in the 5th year, agencies must review supporting evidence and submit annual reports in preparation for reaccreditation, which is a new and independent review of the academy/program.