The FLETA Board Executive Committee met to discuss the upcoming process for conducting the November 2021 FLETA Board Meeting and the process for running upcoming FLETA Assessments.
November 2021 FLETA Board Meeting: Due the current COVID situation and the significant rise of COVID cases with the Delta variant, it was determined that the best course of action for the November 2021 FLETA Board Meeting will be virtual. The FLETA Board Review Committees (BRCs) will take place in the mornings on November 8, 9, and 10, 2021, virtually. Please block your calendars now.
- The November 2021 FLETA Board Meeting will take place November 16, 17, and 18, 2021. Please block your calendars now.
- Additional Correspondence and direction will be forthcoming regarding the BRCs and the Board Meeting as we get closer to November.
Future FLETA Assessments: Again, due the current COVID situation and the significant rise of COVID cases with the Delta variant, it was determined that the best course of action for FLETA Assessments will to continue to conduct them virtually.
All decisions were made out of an abundance of caution. The safety of the FLETA community, the FLETA Board, and the OA staff were taken into serious consideration and are of the utmost importance.
As always, we will continue to monitor the situation and will make changes in the future, as the COVID situation develops further. We do look forward to when we can gather in person again and will happily do so, when the timing Is appropriate.
If there are any questions or concerns, please reach out to me or any member of the OA staff. As always, your support of FLETA is greatly appreciated.