The Federal Reserve System's (FRS) Basic Law Enforcement Course (BLEC) provides entry level basic law enforcement training to the FRS officers tasked with providing law enforcement and protection to the premises, grounds, property, personnel and operations of a Reserve Bank and the Board of Governors.
The Federal Reserve System has had a structure for physically securing and protecting its assets since its creation. However, it was not until the U.S Patriot Act was passed in 2001 that the Federal Reserve Act was amended to provide federal law enforcement authority to its protection officers pursuant to Board regulations (Regulations) and with approval of the Attorney General. Specifically, the law gives Federal Reserve personnel federal law enforcement authority to “…protect and safeguard the Board and Federal Reserve Bank premises, grounds, property, personnel, and operations.” Prior to that time, each individual Reserve Bank obtained its authority from different entities. For example, some Reserve Banks derived their authority through state legislation, others through municipal governments, and still others through security guard statutes.