BI Training’s vision is to: Deliver world-class investigations training. Our mission is to: Develop Investigations Professionals Today... for Tomorrow. BI Training’s goal is to: Ensure the Federal Government has a suitable workforce that protects National Security and is worthy of Public Trust through training and development of Investigations Professionals. The BI Training Division initially received Academy Accreditation in May of 2014 and was awarded their first reaccreditation in November of 2019. BI Training provides instructor-led training courses in-person and virtually. BI Training uses two training programs (per the FLETA definition) to demonstrate compliance with the FLETA Procedures and Standards. The first program is The Federal Background Investigator Training Program, better known as FBITP, which is an eight-week program designed for Federal Government employees who conduct background investigations for applicants seeking positions impacting national security. The program focuses on preparing for, conducting, and reporting investigations. The second program is the Investigations Case Analyst Program, or ICAP, which is the foundational course that every new Investigations Case Analyst will complete. This program focuses on topics pertinent to Case Analysts, such as Introduction to Case Processing, Issue Characterization, National Agency Checks, Credit Reports and Enhanced Subject Interviews (ESIs).