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The Federal Law Enforcement Training Accreditation Board Grants Reaccreditation to Four Training Programs from The Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers

For Immediate Release

FLETC BOAT, IBOT, LECTITP, LEIISTPThe Federal Law EnforcementTraining Accreditation (FLETA) Board is pleased to announce it grantedreaccreditation status to The Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers’(FLETC) Boat Operators Anti-Terrorism Training, Inland Boat OperatorTraining, Law Enforcement Control Tactics Instructor Training, and LawEnforcement Instructor In-Service Training programs at the April 25,2013 meeting in Brunswick, Georgia.

The Boat Operators Anti-Terrorism Training (BOAT) program wasdeveloped to augment training requirements brought about by the threatsof maritime terrorism. The BOAT program was designed to train federal,state, and local marine enforcement officers in the advanced skillsrequired to operate vessels in anti-terrorism/port securityoperations.  This course of instruction provides students theskills to recognize potential terrorism targets, possible deliverymethods, and actions which might indicate terrorist or criminalactivity. 

The Inland Boat Operator Training (IBOT) prepares law enforcementofficers and agents to operate a patrol vessel utilizing the maritimedisciplines and skills customary for waterborne assignment on theinland waterways. The IBOT includes training in vessel handling,maintenance, nautical terminology, inland piloting, and boardingprotocols.


Pictured left to right, Front Row: PM Tom Flanagan(ISP), DAD Seymour Jones (CTMD) , AD Dominick Braccio (GTD), AD CynthiaAtwood (CTMD), DC Mike Grace (TMD), PM Joe Collins (ISP) Middle Row: BCMike Robbs (DMD), PS Leigh Bennett (LICBD), STRA Tonya Lopez (CFO/EAB),LI Jimmy Thrift (PTD), TT Mary Latham (LICBD), LI Chip Bright (DMD), PSDaniel Ovadia (LICBD) Back Row: BC Mike Evans (DMD), BC Malcolm Adams(DMD), PS Stephen Hemenway (LICBD), LI Adam Sanders (DMD), BC CharlesMoore (DMD), BC Clay Rogers (LICBD)

The Law Enforcement Control Tactics Instructor Training Program(LECTITP) prepares law enforcement trainers to instruct in the areas ofarrest techniques, defensive tactics, and intermediate weapons. The program was designed to train trainers in an all-inclusive approachto non-lethal arrests.  The program includes training in groundfighting, edged weapons, use of force, injury management, and tacticalsimulations.

The Law Enforcement Instructor In-Service Training Program (LEIISTP)is designed to provide certification training for Senior Instructorsand Program Specialists at The FLETCs. The LEIISTP provides numerouscourses in the Instructional System Design process to prepare studentsto conduct program and course development. The LEIISTP incorporates avariety of instructional methodologies including lectures, discussions,and laboratories.

The FLETA Board is the accrediting body for all federal lawenforcement training and support programs. To achieve accreditation,agencies submit to an independent review of their academy and/orprogram to ensure compliance with the FLETA Standards and Procedures in the areas of: Program Administration, Training Staff, TrainingDevelopment, and Training Delivery, with an additional 20 standards forAcademies. Accreditation is a cyclical process occurring every threeyears. Each year, agencies must submit annual reports in preparationfor reaccreditation, which is a new and independent review of theacademy/program.