Mrs. Archbold-Massey joined the Office of Accreditation as a Program Analyst in September 2014. Prior to this selection, Mrs. Archbold-Massey served as part of the Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers Centralized Training Management Directorate as the Program Analyst, as the personal assistant to the Assistant Director, and as the Management Support Specialist for the Deputy Assistant Director.
Mrs. Archbold-Massey also worked as an Accounting Technician for the FLETC Chief Financial Officer Directorate, Finance Division, Accounts Payable Branch. Mrs. Archbold-Massey began her federal employment with the FLETA Office of Accreditation as the Staff Assistant.
Mrs. Archbold-Massey is a former United States Army soldier, serving from 1994 – 2006, and holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree and a Master of Business Administration degree with a concentration in accounting from the American Military University.