The Federal Law Enforcement Training Accreditation (FLETA) Board ispleased to announce it granted accreditation status to the DrugEnforcement Administration Office of Training (DEA Training Academy) atthe July 14, 2011 meeting in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida.
The mission of the DEA Office of Training is to develop, deliver,and advocate preeminent law enforcement and non-law enforcementtraining to DEA personnel and appropriate federal, state, local, andforeign law enforcement counterparts. The DEA Training Academy isused for Basic Agent training, Basic Diversion Investigator training,Basic Intelligence Research Specialist training, Basic Forensic Sciencetraining, professional and executive development training,certification training, core in-service, and specializedtraining. The Academy is also used to conduct drug lawenforcement seminars for state and local law enforcement personnel, andthrough the use of specially equipped classrooms, international drugtraining seminars for foreign law enforcement officials.
Jeffrey Sweetin, Special Agent in Charge of the Office of Training,accepted the certificate of accreditation, thanking the Board andnoting the assessment process made the DEA Office of Training better,saying “We hope to continue that”.
To achieve accreditation, an agency must undergo a voluntarythorough assessment of their academy and/or program to ensurecompliance with the FLETA standards. These professional standardswere developed to increase agency effectiveness and efficiency. The standards address Program Administration, Training Staff, TrainingDevelopment, and Training Delivery, with an additional 20 standardsspecifically for Academies. Once an academy or program isaccredited, they must undergo reaccreditation every three years usingthe current standards and process. Reaccreditation takes a freshlook at all information to determine if the evidence supports theagency’s continued compliance with FLETA Standards. To maintainaccredited status, agencies are required to submit annual reports tothe FLETA Board.
The FLETA Board is nationally recognized by federal law enforcementagencies, as well as stakeholders in law enforcement training. Itis the Board’s goal to improve the federal law enforcement communitywith each accreditation, and the Board has now awarded 51 programaccreditations and 14 academy accreditations.
If you would like more information regarding the FLETA process,please visit or contact FLETAat 912-261-3684.